
Official website of Wycombe and South Bucks Minor Football League

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Copyright (c) 2005-2022 Wycombe and South Bucks Minor Football League

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Photo ID and Team sheet sharing prior to kick off

As a team manager you must show your team Photo IDs to the opposition team manager and give them a copy of your Team Sheet prior to kick off. If a team refuses to do so then the League will treat the match as a team having played an ineligible player. The team who has not received/shown both the Photo IDs and the Team Sheet prior to the match must text their Age Group Representative before kick off in order to file the complaint. If this is not done then the League will not treat any complaints against the opposition for not carrying out this rule. The Age Group Representative will then report this to the League Secretary who will then request a report from both teams on the issue.

The rule reads:
Opposing Team Managers shall request to see and verify their opponents Photo IDs & Team Sheet before, the start of the match. If the opposition do not comply, the complaining team must text the Age Group Representative, before kick-off of the failure to show team sheet and Photo IDs. If this ruling is not complied with no protest regarding eligibility of players shall be considered. A League Officer may also request to see a squad list and team sheet at any time. A refusal or inability to show a Team Manager or a Management Committee member shall be dealt with in the same manner as a Team fielding an ineligible player in accordance with Rule 18(N).(i). Failure to comply with this Rule shall result in a fine (£10.00) to the non-compliant team and the points awarded to the compliant team in accordance with the Fines Tariff

Please download the template team sheet in both PDF (60KB) and Excel format (230KB) to use on match day.

If you are in the under 17 and Under 18 age groups you must give, not only your opposition but also your Referee a copy of the team sheet. All other Age Groups just give your team sheet and show ID photos to your opposition.

How to download a Team's Squad list from Whole Game. (PDF 443KB) Use this to produce a squad list to take to games as you may be asked by the opposing Team Manager or a League Official to show. It provides proof that your players are registered. This squad list can be downloaded directly from the WGS clubs portal.